Chronic stress regulation problems with other disorders
Bieger1 has compiled which (more well-known) diseases are based on permanent changes in the neuroendocrine-immunological status. The % figures indicate the frequency of occurrence in the population. Further sources are integrated.
- Overweight/obesity 20-50 %21
- Menopausal symptoms 20-40 %1
- Appetite disorders 20-30 %1
- Anxiety syndromes 10-30 %1
- Depression 15-20 %1
- ADHD 10-15 %1
- Food intolerances 10-20 %1
- Fatigue (tiredness/exhaustion) 10-20 %13
- PMS/premenstrual syndrome 10-20 %1
- Irritable colon (irritable bowel syndrome) 10-15 %13
- Tinnitus up to 15 %1
- RLS/restless leg syndrome up to 15 %1
- Sleep disorders > 10 %1
- Burn-out syndrome up to 10 %1
- Carbohydrate cravings 5-10 %1
- Parkinson’s disease < 10 %1
- Migraine 6-8 %1
- FMS/fibromyalgia 1-5 %13
- CFS/chronic fatigue syndrome 1-3 %13
- Bipolar depression 1-3 %1
- Borderline 1-2 %45
- Schizophrenia 1-2 %1
- MCS/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity < 2 %13
- Autism < 2 %1
The following complaints are probably also included:
- Chronic lower abdominal pain3
- Tension headaches3
- Atypical facial pain3
- Functional dyspepsia3
- Sick building syndrome3
See also ⇒ Genes + early stress as a cause of other mental disorders.
Bieger (2011): Neurostress Guide, Seite 3 ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥
Björntorp, Rosmond (2000): Obesity and cortisol. Nutrition. 2000 Oct;16(10):924-36. ↥
Nater: Funktionelle somatische Beschwerden, in: Ehlert,von Känel (2011): Psychoendokrinologie und Psychoimmunologie, Seiten 219 – 229 ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥ ↥
Gabbard (2011): Die Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung als Schnittstelle zwischen Psychoanalyse und Neurobiologie. In: Dulz, Herpertz, Kernberg, Sachsse, Handbuch der Borderline-Störungen, 2. Aufl., Schattauer; Seite 133 ↥
Krause-Utz, Sobanski, Alm, Valerius, Kleindienst, Bohus, Schmahl (2013): J Nerv Ment Dis. 2013 Feb;201(2):116-23. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e31827f6462. Impulsivity in relation to stress in patients with borderline personality disorder with and without co-occurring attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: an exploratory study. ↥