Our projects
Our ongoing activities include
- researching studies and new information on ADHD in order to expand the website’s knowledge
- the dispatch of addresses and the incorporation of feedback on these
- regular maintenance and troubleshooting of the existing technology
We are also planning and pursuing the following projects (in descending order of priority), among others.
In addition to Ulrich Brennecke, more than 20 other people are currently actively involved in the creation, maintenance and organization of ADxS.org. In addition, the advisory board currently comprises 17 people.
We want to remain independent of advertising and continue to offer a free and open information portal and forum on the subject of ADHD.
We do not accept donations from pharmaceutical companies.
Please support the operation of ADxS.org and our projects with a donation:
Donate here.
Donations to the non-profit organization ADxS e.V. are tax-deductible in Germany.
- 1. Directly for you: Frontend projects
- 1.1. ADxS app for iOS and Android
- 1.2. ADxS AI bots
- 1.3. Address collection of practitioners and diagnosticians for ADHD
- 1.4. ADxS video podcast
- 1.5. ADxS online coaching
- 1.6. Forum
- 1.7. Add graphics to ADxS.org texts
- 1.8. Optimize ADxS.org menu structure for cell phones
- 1.9. Glossary as an alphabetical lexicon
- 1.10. Professional reviews
- 1.11. Translation reviews
- 1.12. Online tests
- 1.13. Graphic gradation for reader groups
- 1.14. Reading aid (similar to Bionic Reading)
- 1.15. Comments and discussion directly on the content on ADxS.org
- 1.16. Comparison view “Changes since…” on ADxS.org
- 1.17. Web/document search with word graph / co-occurrence graph
- 1.18. Solver application for neurophysiological processes (MATLAB?)
- 2. Behind the scenes: Backend projects, strategic issues
- 2.1. Editor display of footnotes
- 2.2. Footnote database from ADxS.org
- 2.3. SEO optimization of title and description
- 2.4. Optimize donation banner
- 2.5. Number page headings automatically
- 2.6. Search-replace tool for whole pages / all pages
- 2.7. Multi-author system with change history and approval
- 2.8. Own server hardware
- 2.9. Management
- 2.10. Expand advisory board
- 3. Last implemented
1. Directly for you: Frontend projects
We call frontend projects those projects that are directly visible and usable for readers. Back-end projects (see below), on the other hand, tend to concern the internal infrastructure and tools for the team.
1.1. ADxS app for iOS and Android
We are developing a cell phone app to support the dosing and intake of ADHD medication and to record correlations between activities and ADHD symptoms.
- Medication timer
- Support for multiple receipts per day
- Consequences timer automatically from time of first intake
- Rebound-Warner
- Medication sets
- Sets of different medications
- freely configurable depending on the day of the week or occasion (e.g. vacation)
- Medication timer in a set
- Support for the dosing of ADHD medication
- Intake documentation
- Symptom development documentation
- Suggestion of symptoms to be monitored from symptom test
- Active monitoring of symptom development
- Daily event documentation
- Evaluation for discussion with doctor
- Medication reorder reminder
- Calculation of how long the existing medication will last
- Reminder to reorder in good time
Long-term goal:
- Evaluation of which active ingredients / preparations improve which symptoms and how well
Highest data protection by design
- Start of development at the beginning of 2024
- First version (not all features yet) planned for 2025
- Gradual further development over several years
1.2. ADxS AI bots
1.2.1. ADxS web AI bot
We are developing an AI bot that can answer questions about ADHD as an alternative to searching the ADxS.org website, referring to the respective sources at ADxS.org.
- Ask questions to the ADxS bot
- receive formulated answers
- Answers including links to the relevant passages at ADxS.org as sources, for direct verification and further reading
1.2.2. ADxS research AI bot
- AI bot for internal research, trained with all available documents on ADHD
- Support for searches whose results are published on ADxS
1.3. Address collection of practitioners and diagnosticians for ADHD
There is a glaring shortage of doctors and psychotherapists who treat or diagnose ADHD. People with ADHD sometimes wait over a year for an appointment.
Many doctors and therapists are well informed. However, we also frequently receive reports of drastic misrepresentations about ADHD, which can lead to people with ADHD not receiving the appropriate treatment. With a reduction in life expectancy of 9 to 13 years, around 4 times the risk of depression and anxiety disorders and a number of other massive consequences of untreated ADHD, this is highly dangerous.
1.3.1. ADxS address database
ADxS therefore collects addresses of and experiences with ADHD practitioners and diagnosticians so that people with ADHD can get an idea of their respective expertise.
The ADxS address database currently contains around 2,500 addresses in Germany, 800 addresses in Austria and just under 300 addresses in Switzerland that have been named to us as practitioners or diagnosticians for ADHD.
Over 700 new addresses were acquired in Germany in 2024.
In a large-scale project, we have collected more than 30,000 addresses of doctors and psychotherapists in Germany who could treat or diagnose ADHD according to their professional specialization. We hope that this will drastically reduce the average waiting times for a diagnosis or treatment
1.3.2. Address dispatch
The number of shipments doubles each year (2020: 99; 2021: 243; 2022: 599; 2023: 2,749)
In 2024, we will answer around 4,500 address inquiries and - step by step in return for the promise of later feedback on contacted addresses - send the 90 addresses closest to a given zip code.
In order to send these volumes of address mails, it was necessary to develop complex software to support us, even though we continue to process each request personally.
We are currently working on expanding the selection options so that you can select by category and target group when requesting an address:
Category: Doctors, psychotherapists, coaches, occupational therapists, speech therapists, clinics, outpatient clinics, others
Target group: children / teenagers, adults
We are also further developing the output format so that addresses are easier to read on cell phones.
1.3.3. Enter address feedback
The feedback returned by the address recipients was entered into the database completely manually in the first few years.
In view of the growing number of address shipments, this is no longer possible.
In addition, the feedback rate was initially - shall we say - improvable.
To this end, we have developed an address form in which users can enter their feedback.
To make it even easier to provide feedback and enter feedback into the database, we have expanded the form so that it can be accessed via a link that is attached to every address sent. This means that only the feedback needs to be entered instead of a complete address.
Around a year and a half after sending the address, we remind you every 6 months of the promised feedback, as this can save lives, as described above.
This required the development of a complex mail dispatch control system.
Nevertheless, we continue to receive feedback simply by e-mail. Some users are able to read a table, but are apparently not prepared to enter their feedback in it.
This feedback has to be entered manually by an employee, otherwise we would lose hundreds of pieces of feedback.
The feedback form will also be expanded with the conversion of the address database in order to facilitate the provision of feedback and save ADxS costs.
1.4. ADxS video podcast
We have started preparations for an ADxS video podcast.
From the end of 2024, we want to publish a monthly video podcast in which we discuss or interview interesting topics relating to ADHD.
As usual with ADxS, we want to look at individual topics in more detail.
1.5. ADxS online coaching
ADxS plans to provide an online platform for trained coaches and therapists.
The online group coaching sessions and online group therapies are offered and delivered by appropriately qualified coaches and therapists.
ADxS will not offer coaching itself.
The aim is to reduce the considerable shortage of coaching and therapy places.
We want to offer people with ADHD who live in rural areas or who cannot find a qualified coach or therapist nearby an alternative.
We hope to offer favorable entry opportunities through appropriate group offers.
In addition, it should be possible to cover very specific topics in group coaching sessions for which there may not be sufficient demand locally.
1.6. Forum
1.6.1. Links in the forum to suitable ADxS.org articles
With 10,300 users (as of 08/24), adhs-forum.adxs.org is one of the largest German-language forums on the subject of ADHD.
In each thread, links to thematically relevant pages of ADxS.org are already displayed in the opening post. This makes it easier to find reliable information and sources on the topics or questions raised.
Through the links, knowledge from ADxS.org grows into the forum. The knowledge accumulates among the more experienced users and is passed on by them to newer users.
This increases the level of knowledge and the quality of discussion in the forum.
We want to improve the fit of these links and display them for each post so that ongoing discussions can also quickly access relevant knowledge.
1.6.2. English forum edition
While ADxS.org is already available in German and English, the forum has so far been limited to German.
Since Reddit does not allow links to websites in its forum, which would lead to technically correct answers becoming excessively long and would also create “duplicate content”, which would devalue ADxS.org in search engines, an English-language forum version is the logical consequence.
We also believe that a connection between the forum and ADxS.org has great advantages, because the knowledge from ADxS.org can grow into the forum and be passed on to newer users by more experienced users.
The English-language forum will also benefit from the links on ADxS.org.
We have now been able to recruit a native English speaker to act as moderator for the English-language forum, making it possible to implement the English-language forum.
We aim to make it as easy as possible to switch between language versions so that content can be exchanged between the language versions to enable an exchange of knowledge between the language worlds.
1.7. Add graphics to ADxS.org texts
ADxS.org is rich in information.
We want to make these easier to understand by using graphics.
We are already working with a graphic designer on this.
Unfortunately, this work is very time-consuming.
1.8. Optimize ADxS.org menu structure for cell phones
70% of readers visit ADxS.org on their cell phone.
The menu structure is suboptimal for cell phones. After selecting a chapter in the menu, the menu does not remain expanded so that the individual pages contained in the chapter are not visible. To see these, the menu must be clicked a second time. Readers who are not familiar with the scope of ADxS.org may get the impression that the summary/introduction page has been the entire content of the chapter.
The menu is to be redesigned so that it remains fully visible from a cell phone when a chapter is clicked on for the first time.
1.9. Glossary as an alphabetical lexicon
ADxS.org uses many technical terms that require explanation, which are explained in the glossary.
If a technical term that is explained in the glossary appears in the text, the word is underlined. The explanation can be displayed with a mouseover while reading.
These glossary terms should also be presented in alphabetical order as a keyword dictionary.
1.10. Professional reviews
We are always looking for experts who are willing to review the contents of ADxS.
So far, the following chapters have been examined by a psychological psychotherapist:
- Origin
- Symptoms
- Consequences
- Stress
We want to have all chapters reviewed by several experts.
1.11. Translation reviews
ADxS.org is created in German. The English language version is created using Deepl.
We work with native English speakers to optimize the translation into English.
We are also in talks with professional translators for support.
1.12. Online tests
1.12.1. Further online tests
We want to continuously expand the ADxS.org test battery.
An online screening for histamine intolerance is currently in preparation.
1.12.2. Cache online tests
Although the ADxS online tests are not medically validated screenings, some of them are quite extensive. The V5 symptom test comprises 169 questions and takes just under half an hour to complete.
With the technology currently in use, the content is lost if the Internet connection is lost during editing.
We want to modify the tests so that entries are always saved temporarily to prevent data loss.
1.13. Graphic gradation for reader groups
ADxS.org is probably the most comprehensive monograph on ADHD in the world. It is certainly not the best - there are good reasons why a specialist book of this size would cost several hundred euros. ADxS.org is a collection of relevant information. The summarization and evaluation of the respective topics will still require several years of improvement.
Well, we have time - and goals ;-)
However, there is no longer a standard form of presentation for these volumes of text, especially as ADxS.org has set itself the goal of being equally readable for different reader needs (beginners, advanced users, experts, scientists).
We want to avoid distributing the content to different web addresses, as each new piece of information would then have to be entered in several places. That would simply no longer be feasible.
Instead, we want to differentiate the content graphically. At present, we prefer different colored backgrounds to indicate which reader’s prior knowledge the respective text is aimed at.
This requires a comprehensive expansion of the existing editor system.
1.14. Reading aid (similar to Bionic Reading)
Bionic reading is a generic term for a specific graphic form of presentation for text that makes it easier to read. More on this under Reading aids on the page Everyday strategies for people with ADHD in the Treatment chapter.
Many people with ADHD benefit from such a presentation.
There are free bionic reading add-ins for the most common browsers. However, these must first be installed by the readers. Not all users know how to install add-ins.
In addition, 70% of our readers read ADxS.org on their cell phones, for which such add-ins are not available.
Above all, however, the bionic reading add-ins we tested make the ADxS.org pages very slow (perhaps due to their size).
For a meaningful use we therefore need a graphical processing in our own CSS, which can be activated on the website itself if the reader wishes.
1.15. Comments and discussion directly on the content on ADxS.org
It would be nice if discussion threads could be linked directly at the point of a text from ADxS.org that concerns the discussion.
So far there is no technical solution for this.
Comments and forum threads are currently only possible at the bottom of web pages.
We have an idea of how this could be implemented technically.
However, implementation will be costly, which is why this project is quite low down the list of priorities.
1.16. Comparison view “Changes since…” on ADxS.org
ADxS.org is not something you read regularly due to its depth of detail and volume of text.
ADxS.org is constantly being expanded and improved.
For people with ADHD with more specific problems, experts and scientists, it could be helpful to make all changes made since a date set by the reader graphically visible on a page. The display should then look like Word’s revision mode: new text added since the set date is colored and underlined, deleted text is colored and crossed out.
1.17. Web/document search with word graph / co-occurrence graph
We would like to open up the specialist information/source texts available to us by means of co-occurrence graphs (word graph/word cloud) in order to make content-related connections visually tangible via the overall search result.
From advice on whether (and if so how) this can be implemented with existing tools to the programming of a corresponding display, everything would be welcome.
1.18. Solver application for neurophysiological processes (MATLAB?)
We would like to experiment with mapping neurophysiological processes in a solver structure.
It would be interesting to see to what extent MATLAB or another existing solver could be suitable for this. We would like to talk to someone who is familiar with MATLAB or other solver software.
Knowledge: MATLAB or other solver software.
2. Behind the scenes: Backend projects, strategic issues
The technology behind ADxS.org is much more complex than it appears from the outside. Since our requirements threatened to exceed Wordpress and there was no off-the-shelf CMS with which the requirements of ADxS.org could be easily implemented, the creation of our own CMS was a complex but future-proof solution. We are currently able to use it:
- Multilingualism
- time-controlled automated translations
- Creation in one main language
- different text content for different languages
- Footnote database
- Glossary management
- Two separate user administrations
- without mail connection for test accounts (radical data protection by design)
- With mail connection for forum accounts
- Online tests
- complex question constellations (partly conditional)
- complex evaluations
- Connection to test account
- Autosaves (protection against data loss when editing posts)
The following projects relate to the further development of the technical infrastructure.
2.1. Editor display of footnotes
ADxS.org attaches great importance to providing detailed information from directly accessible sources.
ADxS.org currently provides 13,707 footnotes to 9,789 different sources. Around 95% of all sources are primary literature (studies, reviews, meta-analyses) and are directly linked so that they can be accessed from within the text. If you move the mouse over a footnote symbol in the text, the mouseover shows the linked source.
The editor in which the ADxS.org texts are created and edited does not display footnotes as footnote symbols as on the website, but instead displays the complete footnote. This breaks up the text.((This then looks as if this italicized text is the footnote that proves the respective statement. And this is the link that belongs to the footnote. Many titles are much longer, so that footnotes are on average about this long.))((It becomes even more confusing if several footnotes support a statement. Then there are several footnotes like this one in a row. And this is the link that belongs to the footnote. We’ll leave it at an example with two footnotes for one statement) To make it easier to edit the text, the editor should have the same display as the website. This requires additional tools to be able to incorporate and edit footnotes.
2.2. Footnote database from ADxS.org
The database should be cleaned of duplicates (identical entries in different spellings) in order to avoid incorrect entries and to reduce the load on the footnote database.
This would reduce the 13,707 footnotes currently cited and bring them closer to the 9,787 different sources.
2.3. SEO optimization of title and description
To improve the ranking of ADxS in search engines, the titles and descriptions of the pages must be optimized.
Furthermore, ADxS will continue not to create any keyword-optimized texts, but will only publish content that makes technical sense
2.4. Optimize donation banner
The technology of the donation banner is outdated and needs an update.
2.5. Number page headings automatically
If an additional outline heading is inserted on a page, the numbering of all subsequent headings must be adjusted manually.
This is time-consuming and error-prone. We would rather invest this time in content research.
2.6. Search-replace tool for whole pages / all pages
Sometimes terms must or should be adapted to a certain spelling across all pages. This currently involves laborious manual work.
A cross-page replacement tool would save us a lot of time and help to improve the consistency of terms on all pages.
2.7. Multi-author system with change history and approval
The editor does not yet have a rights system that allows different authors to write content for ADxS.org and for changes to be tracked or approved by others.
Until now, external authors have sent their texts by e-mail. These texts must then be entered by us.
It is clear that the number of authors will increase. In order to meet this demand and not hinder the maintenance of ADxS.org content, we need an extension of ADxS.org with an author rights system (similar to a wiki).
2.8. Own server hardware
ADxS will have its own server at the end of 2024. We were able to agree very favorable special conditions for hosting in a professional data center in Germany.
Due to the growth of the organization, it makes sense to have your own server to facilitate team collaboration.
Sending addresses is dependent on your own hardware and is not feasible with cloud storage.
A used, 2 1/2 year old Dual-Xeon with 64 GB memory including Windows server system, terminal server licenses, Exchange server and Office licenses is purchased.
The purchase was discussed with five IT experts on the Executive Board, IT team and moderator team as well as with the cash auditor and was unanimously approved by all of them.
2.9. Management
The number of ADxS readers doubles every year. By mid-2024, we had 95,000 unique readers / month on the website and a further 115,000 unique readers / month on the forum.
The number and size of projects planned and being implemented is also growing.
The necessary organizational effort is growing at the same rate and has now reached a level that requires professionalization. At the end of 2024 or beginning of 2025, ADxS will therefore create a paid management position on the basis of a mini-job for the first time.
2.10. Expand advisory board
The Fasch Advisory Board has grown to 17 members in 2024.
We are aiming to expand the Advisory Board to 40 to 50 experts.
3. Last implemented
3.1. Search shows found section of a page
Some of the ADxS.org pages are very long, up to 60 or 70 A4 pages.
If such a page is displayed in the results list of a search, the reader must search a second time for the page found.
The solution was to divide the pages internally into page sections that are searched separately from the search.
The result lists now link directly to the sections found, whereby these are shown within the complete page structure.
3.2. Forum links show found section of a page
Thanks to the same technology, the links under first posts in a forum thread now point to appropriate page sections and no longer just to the respective pages of ADxS.org
3.3. Evaluation for doctor for symptom test and external assessment test
The result of the symptom test and the result of the external assessment test can be downloaded as a PDF evaluation for the doctor or psychotherapist.
For each symptom, the evaluation shows which questions are scored and how they were answered by the respondent.
Although this does not turn the symptom test and external assessment test into diagnostic tools, it can serve interested diagnosticians as a further perspective on the patient.
3.4. Word mark ADxS
ADxS has become the most widely read German-language Internet platform for information on ADHD.
In order to prevent third parties from using the increasingly well-known name ADxS without authorization and thus misleading readers, ADxS was registered as a word mark for the EU and Switzerland in 2024.
3.5. Advisory board communication
After solving a number of technical challenges, an internal communication system for the Advisory Board was implemented in 2024.