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Treatment and therapy

Treatment and therapy

ADHD is very treatable12 and may be the most treatable psychiatric problem of all.34 The Effect sizes of stimulants are the highest ever found for psychiatric medications5
While amphetamines show an Effect size of 0.8-1.5 (NNT = 1.6) for ADHD in adults, internal medications for hypertension or antidepressants show an NNT of 10.6
The response rate of stimulants in ADHD is also remarkable. While only every second person with an anxiety disorder responds to treatment with the first choice of medication7, the response rate for ADHD is 70% (to MPH) to 80% (to amphetamine medication).

Today’s drug and psychological treatment methods for ADHD make it possible to largely or completely eliminate the symptoms. However, a cure would also require the symptoms to disappear permanently without ongoing further treatment (including coping strategies).
Long-term behavioral therapy can achieve a comparable effect to medication - but only after years. However, incorrectly applied psychotherapy can cause just as much damage as unsuitable medication.

Unfortunately, there are therapists who are not familiar with all the symptoms of ADHD. Some therapists only know the diagnostic DSM symptoms of ADHD or do not understand that DSM and ICD only name those symptoms that are particularly well differentiated from other disorders and that other symptoms originally caused by ADHD can also occur. We call this entirety of symptoms the treatment-relevant symptoms in order to distinguish the subset of diagnostic symptoms from them.
If this leads to the person with ADHD attributing these symptoms to personal responsibility rather than as a consequence of ADHD, the person with ADHD may come out of therapy with more feelings of guilt and inadequacy than they went in with. Unfortunately, we know of many such cases, both in outpatient and inpatient treatment.

In addition, 25% of people with ADHD-HI (with hyperactivity) showed a worsening of symptoms after social skills training.8

Nevertheless, there are methods that can permanently alleviate ADHD symptoms.

ADHD - symptom treatment vs cure

Some evidence suggests that a cure for ADHD may be possible in some areas. In some cases, neurofeedback appears to be able to permanently reduce or, in the best case (albeit rarely), even eliminate the symptoms. There are also cautious indications that very early medication with methylphenidate as well as long-term medication could have measurable healing effects 910
Mindfulness-based forms of treatment consistently show improvements in ADHD symptoms. If ADHD is completely incurable, the question arises as to why ADHD decreases in 20 to 50% of people with ADHD by adulthood, at least to such an extent that ADHD is no longer diagnosed. There are several possible explanations for this, either alone or together:

  • Lack of knowledge about the changing symptoms in adulthood, so that adult ADHD, which manifests differently, is no longer recognized
  • Coping strategies are developed more effectively so that the symptoms are better masked
  • Change in life circumstances; in particular, discontinuation of school organized mainly by extrinsic motivation and replacement by training or studies in a field chosen by the individual (more intrinsic motivation).
  • Actual remitting (subsiding) of the symptoms, e.g. due to post-maturation of affected brain regions
  • Real recovery

This question, which has not yet been conclusively answered, allows us to retain a little bit of hope.
It is certain that long-term psychotherapy and neurofeedback can have a curative effect and significantly reduce the severity of symptoms, and that drug treatment can generally largely eliminate the symptoms and enable a stress-free life, without any stressful side effects.

Systematic treatment of ADHD not only significantly improves the quality of life of people with ADHD, but also halves the risk of developing alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction compared to untreated people with ADHD.11 The risk of developing psychiatric comorbidities (depression, anxiety disorders, Compulsions, etc.) is reduced to less than half.11
While untreated children with ADHD show massive impairments in executive functions, treated children with ADHD were found to have executive functions close to those of unaffected children.12

Some people reject treatment of ADHD with medication on principle. This seems to be more a question of attitude than a question of fact. One study reports that the following factors in particular influence parents’ decisions as to whether children with ADHD receive medication:13

  • The extent to which ADHD is perceived as a stigma
  • The basic attitude towards medication for ADHD
  • Knowledge about ADHD.

  1. Weiss MD, Gadow K, Wasdell MB (2006): Effectiveness outcomes in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006;67 Suppl 8:38-45. PMID: 16961429.

  2. Rivas-Vazquez RA, Diaz SG, Visser MM, Rivas-Vazquez AA (2023): Adult ADHD: Underdiagnosis of a Treatable Condition. J Health Serv Psychol. 2023;49(1):11-19. doi: 10.1007/s42843-023-00077-w. PMID: 36743427; PMCID: PMC9884156.

  3. Barkley (2019): Treatment Matters: ADHD and Life Expectancy; CHADD

  4. Barkley (2018): Health and Life Expectancy in ADHD. Treatment Matters More Than You Think; Youtube

  5. Nageye, Cortese (2019): Beyond stimulants: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials assessing novel compounds for ADHD. Expert Rev Neurother. 2019 Jul;19(7):707-717. doi: 10.1080/14737175.2019.1628640. PMID: 31167583.)

  6. Endrass, G (2024): ADHS aktuell – Mythen und Bedenken versus Fakten; NeuroTransmitter 2024; 35 (1-2)

  7. Tozzi L, Zhang X, Pines A, Olmsted AM, Zhai ES, Anene ET, Chesnut M, Holt-Gosselin B, Chang S, Stetz PC, Ramirez CA, Hack LM, Korgaonkar MS, Wintermark M, Gotlib IH, Ma J, Williams LM (2024): Personalized brain circuit scores identify clinically distinct biotypes in depression and anxiety. Nat Med. 2024 Jun 17. doi: 10.1038/s41591-024-03057-9. PMID: 38886626.

  8. Barkley (2018): Vortrag an der Universität Göteborg, ca. Minute 79

  9. Petrovic, Castellanos (2016): Top-Down Dysregulation—From ADHD to Emotional Instability; Front Behav Neurosci. 2016; 10: 70. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00070; PMCID: PMC4876334

  10. Pires, Pamplona, Pandolfo, Prediger, Takahashi (2010): Chronic caffeine treatment during prepubertal period confers long-term cognitive benefits in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), an animal model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Behav Brain Res. 2010 Dec 20;215(1):39-44. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2010.06.022. PMID: 20600342.

  11. Edel, Vollmoeller (2006): Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung bei Erwachsenen, Springer, Seite 108, mwNw.

  12. Miklós, Futó, Komáromy, Balázs (2019): Executive Function and Attention Performance in Children with ADHD: Effects of Medication and Comparison with Typically Developing Children. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Oct 10;16(20). pii: E3822. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16203822. n = 150

  13. Boudreau, Mah (2020): Predicting Use of Medications for Children with ADHD: The Contribution of Parent Social Cognitions. J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 Mar;29(1):26-32. PMID: 32194649; PMCID: PMC7065566.