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ADxS.org is completely non-commercial and pursues exclusively scientific interests.
We want to remain independent of advertising and continue to offer a free and open information portal and forum on the subject of ADHD.

ADxS.org has been supported by ADxS e.V. (non-profit association) since 01.06.2021. Donations to ADxS e.V. are tax deductible. Up to €300, the transfer receipt is sufficient as a donation receipt for tax purposes. ADxS e.V. issues donation receipts for larger amounts.

The budget for ADxS.org for 2024 is around € 58,500.

Around 94% of the donations in 2022 were used to maintain and expand the website and forum and around 6% for external consulting (e.g. tax consultants).
Here you can find a more detailed Financial report of the ADxS e.V. for 2022. The presentation for 2023 is in preparation.

We do not accept donations from pharmaceutical companies.

Donate via Paypal

Donations by bank transfer:
ADxS e.V
DE59 6729 2200 0000 3515 98
Volksbank Kraichgau e.G.

Anonymous donations:
Donations can be made completely anonymously by sending them by post to the imprint address.

We are delighted and grateful for any support for our work.

If you would prefer to contribute something yourself, you can find ideas here for Participate or actively support.

Thank you very much!

ADxS e.V. (non-profit association)