Immune system and behavior
This chapter and its individual sections address the connection between the immune system, stress system and behavior.
There are indications that AD(H)D could be caused by reactions of the immune system in individual cases. In principle, ADHD is likely to have other causes.
Nevertheless, the immune system has a significant impact on behavior.
Its effects are multidirectional.12
The immune system can be conditioned. Rats that were conditioned with a combination of sweetener and an immunosuppressor later also responded to sweetener alone with immunosuppression.3
- ⇒ The immune system
An introductory presentation of the immune system- ⇒ Elements of the immune system: cytokines and co.
An introduction to the most important elements of the immune system
- ⇒ Elements of the immune system: cytokines and co.
- ⇒ Neurophysiological mechanisms of action on behavior through immune responses
How do immune reactions influence behavior?- ⇒ Effect of individual cytokines and inflammatory markers
Presentation of the individual cytokines and other members of the immune system, how they influence each other and what influences they each have on behavior - ⇒ Immune reactions and inflammation as the cause of ADHD?
Which correlations and influences of immune reactions on ADHD have been observed so far - ⇒ Immune reactions and inflammation in other mental disorders
What correlations and influences of immune reactions are known to date in other mental disorders
- ⇒ Effect of individual cytokines and inflammatory markers
- ⇒ Neurophysiological mechanisms of action on behavior by pathogens Pathogens (viruses, bacteria) can directly change behavior.
Riether, Doenlen, Pacheco-López, Niemi, Engler, Engler, Schedlowski (2008): Behavioural conditioning of immune functions: how the central nervous system controls peripheral immune responses by evoking associative learning processes. Rev Neurosci. 2008;19(1):1-17. ↥
Lopes (2017): Why are behavioral and immune traits linked? Horm Behav. 2017 Feb;88:52-59. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.09.008. ↥
Ader, Cohen (1975): Behaviorally Conditioned Immunosuppression. Psychosom Med. 1975 Jul-Aug;37(4):333-40. PMID: 1162023 ↥