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18. Messi tendency / hoarding / not being able to throw anything away with ADHD


18. Messi tendency / hoarding / not being able to throw anything away with ADHD

Author: Ulrich Brennecke
Review: Dipl.-Psych. Waldemar Zdero

In ADHD, the inability to throw things away and the tendency to hoard things is more pronounced than in non-affected individuals. Hoarding traits were found in 40.7% of people with ADHD, compared to 21.7% of non-hoarders.1
Hoarding was found in 20% of people with ADHD compared to 2% of those without. Inattention was the most common symptom associated with hoarding, followed by depression and anxiety disorders.2 These 3 symptoms are particularly common in the ADHD-I subtype.

In the ADxS.org symptom test (6,400 participants, as of 12/2021), hoarding correlated primarily with inattention (0.23) and organizational problems (0.23), while anxiety and depression were unremarkable. In addition, there was an equally strong correlation for the externalizing ADHD-HI and the internalizing ADHD-I subtype.

It should be mentioned that some people with ADHD develop extreme orderliness as a coping mechanism against an increased stimulus load caused by disorder.

Diese Seite wurde am 21.09.2024 zuletzt aktualisiert.