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Collection of doctors and therapists with ADHD expertise

Collection of doctors and therapists with ADHD expertise

You know doctors/therapists with ADHD expertise?

Then please follow this link and support us in the interest of all those affected by entering experts there with whom you have had good or bad experiences in relation to ADHD:

Here we collect addresses of doctors, psychologists and other professionals with ADHD expertise.

Looking for addresses of doctors/therapists with ADHD expertise?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

We have about 1650 addresses in Germany and several addresses in Austria and Switzerland and can send you a table with up to 70 addresses. The table is sorted by distance to a (existing) zip code you mentioned and also contains the experiences with these addresses from our users.

Since addresses are only of use if they are continuously maintained and the competence assessments are updated, we ask you in return to promise that you will share your experience with the submitted addresses with and after you have contacted them.
All you need is a few entries in the table that you receive:

  • 1-5 stars in the 4 areas:
    • ADHD diagnostics
    • ADHD Treatment/Therapy
    • ADHD medication and
    • ADHD competence in general
  • and, if applicable
    • Change of address info
    • Comments with your experience
      in the columns provided for this purpose in the table where the addresses are sent.
  • Of course, all those affected are also happy to receive other competent addresses.

Collecting and maintaining and passing on addresses costs us considerable work (over a hundred hours / year), which we prefer to invest in researching new diagnostic or treatment options. Please help us to limit this workload:

  • Enter your comments in the table you received, mark your changes in color and send it back to us - of course, only after you have made the experience.
  • We would have to enter free text responses manually, which takes an insane amount of time.

If you are okay with that:

  • Please send a mail from a permanently used mail address (no disposable mail address)
  • with the subject “Address exchange” to info@adxs.org and
  • specify a complete existing postal code (5 digits), around which the addresses are searched.
  • We do not have a mail machine. Your request will be processed manually.

Of course, your e-mail address will not be used for advertising or other purposes, nor will it be passed on.

The addresses are selected manually by us based on the zip code and sent to you by mail. As a rule, we send every 2 to 3 days.