Moclobemide for ADHD
Moclobemide is a reversible MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitor1 and consequently inhibits the metabolization of serotonin and noradrenaline, so that serotonin and noradrenaline are broken down more slowly and are therefore available for longer.
Due to its reversibility, no diet is required.
There are only a very small number of sources on moclobemide for ADHD.
- Since 2000, PubMed has found only one study under Moclobemide and ADHD that addresses the treatment of comorbid opiate addiction and ADHD.2
- Häßler reports a good effect on the ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity and frustration intolerance.3
High side effects at the beginning.
Gradually phase out when discontinuing.
Moclobemide is only likely to be useful in a few specific cases of ADHD.
Edel, Vollmoeller (2006): Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung bei Erwachsenen, Seite 45 ↥
Vaiva De Lenclave; Bailly (2002): Treatment of comorbid opiate addiction and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (residual type) with moclobemide: a case report; Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2002 Apr;26(3):609-11. ↥
Häßler (2009): substanzgebundene Alternativen in der Therapie von ADHS, Seite 175, in: Häßler (Hrsg) das ADHS Kaleidoskop – State of the Art und bisher nicht beachtete Aspekte von hoher Relevanz; medizinisch wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft ↥